Approximately 74% of Zambia’s 14 million populations are under the age of 30, and this demographic faces many challenges including high unemployment, lack of educational opportunities, and high HIV prevalence. Even though the youth make up a significant number of the labor force, half of youths are unemployed and the levels of unemployment for those who are 20 to 24-years of age is 5 times greater compared to older adults. Youth are also one of the most at-risk of contracting HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Very few youth reach higher education after secondary school and secondary school dropout rates are high, particularly for young women. Because of the large number of youths in Zambia and the challenges they face in their day-to-day lives, the CCAP Synod of Zambia operates youth ministry programs through the Christian Youth Fellowship (CYF) Department. The CYF Department supports CCAP youth from the ages of 13-35 in their faith, encouraging them to be active church members and “the salt and the light of the world” (Matthew 5, verse 13-16). The goal of the department is to ultimately transform the lives of the youth in a holistic way (spiritually, emotionally, and physically) by demonstrating God’s unconditional love and support in their lives.
Missionaries from Scotland first established the Christian Youth Fellowship (CYF) program in Malawi at the CCAP Synod of Livingstonia in 1962. Its original vision was to help young people grow in their Christian faith and become effective tools for evangelism in the church. The CCAP Synod of Zambia, CYF Department has maintained this original vision as well as shaped its programs to address the specific needs and challenges of Zambian youth. For example, the CYF Department organizes presbytery and synod conferences where youth can grow in their faith together as well as discuss social issues. At these conferences, youth learn from CCAP pastors and CYF leaders about topics such as HIV/AIDS, self-discipline, Christian stewardship, and youth evangelism. Each CCAP congregation conducts CYF bible studies, which aim to be safe environments where youth can discuss their faith and how it relates to their lives. The department also organizes Sunday school curriculum and activities for all CCAP churches.
The CYF Department also has around 60 acres of land near the village of Kamoto in Eastern Zambia where they plan to develop a CCAP youth training farm in order to train young people in modern methods of farming and other skills, like construction, tailoring, fashion and designing, to reduce youth unemployment in Zambia. Ultimately, the CYF Department aims at addressing the presence of poverty in the youth’s lives while supporting their faith in a holistic way. One of the biggest successes of the CYF program is that the program has developed youth leaders who have become active members of the church. Several CYF participants have attended theological college and become CCAP pastors because of the impact the program and the church has had in their lives.
Status: The department has an executive that helps run the programs and they also employed a National Youth Coordinator and because of the challenges outlined above the Coordinator is not paid as the department has little or no funds. Also, the department has a partnership with a congregation located in the United States, it’s as a result of this partnership that the youths have started doing agriculture at the farm In Kamoto.
Rev Naomi Daka
National Youth Coordinator

Youth during Synodical conference which was held in Eastern Province Chipata

Youth after bible study